Dr Jennifer Rowntree
Associate Professor in Ecological Genetics
School of Biological and Marine Sciences
Principal investigator
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​I am an ecological geneticist with a background in plant ecology. I am interested in the genetics of species interactions and use molecular tools to answer ecological questions. I work across a wide variety of systems (plants, pollinators, herbivores, microbes) and biomes (temperate and tropical) and use molecular, experimental and field approaches to answer questions.
Current projects include understanding the population and conservation genetics of coastal plants (mangroves) for adaptation and restoration, improving ex situconservation and reintroduction success of endangered plants (bryophytes, carnivorous plants) and developing molecular tools for the for the quantification of biodiversity in human influenced environments (soil health in agriculture, plant-pollinator networks).
I am interested in complex problems that require a cross-disciplinary approach and am deputy director of the Research England funded Centre of Research excellence in Intelligent and Sustainable Systems (CRISPS). I am a co-investigator on the NERC UK Treescapes: Voices of the Future project and a member of the University of Plymouth Environmental Land Management Strategic Knowledge Exchange Hub (ELMS-Exchange).