Izadora Kervin
I am a PhD student studying ex situ conservation of bryophyte species at the University of Plymouth. I have been mainly focusing on in vitro culturing of three bryophyte species Orthodontium gracile, Ditrichum cornubicum and Bartramia aprica, with the goal of conducting weaning experiments on each of the species to bring them out of aceptic culture.
Last year I was granted the IUCN BBG internship. As part of the internship I have been conducting a sysematic review on bryophyte reintroduction and translocation literature which focuses on what makes a bryophyte translocation sucessfull. This systematic reivew will hopefully aid in specific bryophyte reintroduction guidlines.
Alongside my studies I work part-time as an ecologist for WSP, where I mainly conduct surveys for species that could be effected by upcoming developments.