New paper in FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Microbiologists and ecologists – including Preziosi lab alumni Dr Rachael Antwis and PhD candidate Sarah Griffiths – outline 50 important...

Primate diversity differs between contiguous protected and indigenous-owned lands
PhD candidate Ciara Stafford has published new primate research from the Ecuadorian Amazon in the IUCN's journal of Neotropical Primates....

Apple cultivar influences epiphyte diversity
New research published on how tree genetics can affect the biodiversity of associated communities. Stevenson, C. R., Davies, C.,...

PhD Student Ciara Stafford is BBC Wildlife Magazine's blogger of the year!
Ciara has won the BBC Wildlife Magazine's 2016 Blogger Award for her blog Stripy Tapir! Her blog (read here) features tales and...
PhD student Friederike Clever 2nd place in poster contest!
Congratulations to our PhD student Friederike Clever who has received the Merian Award for best poster in 2nd place at the European...
PhD studentship: Social dynamics in the African buffalo
Funded PhD project available with Dr Bradley Cain at Manchester Metropolitan University: Social dynamics in the African buffalo (Syncerus...

Microsatellite workshop in Ecuador
By PhD candidate Sarah Griffiths Ecuador is one of the smaller counties in South America, but don’t be fooled – this is a biodiversity...

Funding awarded for ocean acidification research in Colombia
Last 23rd of September, our marine group in Colombia was awarded with another £12K to do research on ocean acidification. This was one of...
We've moved!
Both the Preziosi and the Rowntree labs have now moved out of the University of Manchester... all the way down the road to Manchester...
‘Terrestrial mammal communities in the tropical rainforests of Ecuador’
Congratulations to Daniel López MartÃnez for successfully completing his MPhil on ‘Terrestrial mammal communities in the tropical...